Do you desire to get to know the people of CGC on a more personal level?

Then Christian Growth Network is for you!

Simply stated, it is a network of people coming together in an environment of faith, fun and fellowship. Growth Network was created to get people together in small groups where they can share their passion for life about anything from softball, to horseback riding, to hiking, to adult color-booking. If you can imagine it, and want to share it with others, then start a group of your own or join one already in progress.

Check back often for an updated list of groups and their duration!

Praise & Worship

Praise Team

Does your gifting happen to be praise & worship? Then this is the perfect group for you! Our Praise Team helps to set the atmosphere when we come together as the body of Christ. Please contact Bob & Jan Goad for more information.

Praise & Worship

Praise Team

Does your gifting happen to be praise & worship? Then this is the perfect group for you! Our Praise Team helps to set the atmosphere when we come together as the body of Christ. Please contact Bob & Jan Goad for more information.

Sound & Media Team

Can’t carry a tune but love music? Then this group was created with you in mind! Our Sound and Media Team are the ones that make the Praise Team look and sound good! Please contact Kelvin Keith for more information.

Sound & Media Team

Can’t carry a tune but love music? Then this group was created with you in mind! Our Sound and Media Team are the ones that make the Praise Team look and sound good! Please contact Kelvin Keith for more information.

Men’s Ministry

Are you a man? Then you’re invited! This group loves to eat and fellowship around the Word of God. They also take on special projects at the church and within our community. Please contact Mike Herndon for more information.

Men’s Ministry

Are you a man? Then you’re invited! This group loves to eat and fellowship around the Word of God. They also take on special projects at the church and within our community. Please contact Mike Herndon for more information.

Kid’s Ministry Team

Do you have a heart to help kids learn and grow? Then this group would love to equip you to help equip our kids. Our Kid’s Ministry Team plays an extremely important role in caring for and teaching the future church; from infants to teenagers there is a place for you. Please contact Nikki Hallinan for more information.

Kid’s Ministry Team

Do you have a heart to help kids learn and grow? Then this group would love to equip you to help equip our kids. Our Kid’s Ministry Team plays an extremely important role in caring for and teaching the future church; from infants to teenagers there is a place for you. Please contact Nikki Hallinan for more information.

All Booked Up (Book Club)

Are you a voracious reader or just like to discuss a book over coffee? Then this group invites you to join them! All Booked Up gets together to review and discuss books from leading Christian authors speaking to the church today. Please contact Carol Fisher for more information.

All Booked Up (Book Club)

Are you a voracious reader or just like to discuss a book over coffee? Then this group invites you to join them! All Booked Up gets together to review and discuss books from leading Christian authors speaking to the church today. Please contact Carol Fisher for more information.